
Senior citizens’ culture and entertainment bus tours townships to spread joy

2016/10/04 17:21
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New Taipei City’s ‘Senior Citizen’s Culture & Entertainment Bus’ comes equipped with a karaoke machine, a wide selection of books, and a number of chairs and tables for relaxing. Senior citizens approach the bus itching to get their name down for a song and show off their wonderful voices; singing and clapping along to the tunes, sometimes the whole group suddenly breaks out into song together.

While touring the twenty-nine townships of New Taipei City, social workers organize fun and exciting games, take the oldies through a gentle exercise workout, and keep them up to date with all the latest information regarding relevant social welfare benefits. This highly mobile Senior Citizen’s Culture & Entertainment Bus ensures that elderly citizens living in outlying areas don’t need to traverse hell and high water to get together with old friends. These informal gatherings not only help elderly participants stay young at heart but also strengthen bonds between community residents.

Senior citizens’ culture and entertainment bus tours townships to spread joy 



老老人文康車巡迴鄉鎮 散播歡樂





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