
New life for Taiwanese youth in northern Thailand - empathy for Star Child House

2016/10/12 11:46
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Located in the remote mountainous area of northern Thailand in Chiang Rai, Ban Hin Taek (滿星疊) was formerly infamous for its drug production. Uniquely situated at the intersection of a number of national borders, Ban Hin Taek has a rich cultural and historical background created by the diverse mix of multi-racial ethnic groups in the area. Additionally, Chinese schools were established in the area to provide Chinese education to the children and later generations of soldiers who settled in the region following the Chinese Civil War. 

Sun Zhen-ting (孫振庭) from Kaohsiung in Taiwan, went somewhat astray in his youth and was addicted to drugs for more than 10 years. By chance, he found himself in Ban Hin Taek’s drug addiction treatment center, where he finally succeeded in kicking his drug habit and then earnestly applied himself to complete a course of study in theology. In November 2014, a Ban Hin Taek landowner invited Sun Zhen-ting to establish Star Child House orphanage. At the beginning, the orphanage had only two children resident, but as of September 2016, it was already providing shelter to twenty-three children.

When Sun Zhen-ting took over the orphanage’s running it was very crudely equipped, and the roof, walls, toilets, kitchen, bedrooms, and chapel were all in a state of disrepair; even the orphanage courtyard was just a patch of uneven clay soil. With no resources or funding, Sun Zhen-ting has been actively publicizing the needs and predicament of the orphanage far and wide to hopefully secure finance and assistance.  

New life for Taiwanese youth in northern Thailand - empathy for Star Child House



台灣囝仔泰北重生 感同身受守護星星之家







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