
Hsinchu City prepares to build children’s hospital: Supervisory alliance criticizes government for negligence in site selection

2016/11/15 17:06
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PeoPo推 0

On November 9, Hsinchu Mayor Lin Chih-chien (林智堅) and the city council gave a report on the long-awaited children’s hospital. At the same time, a press conference was held by ‘Hsinchu Children’s Hospital Site Location Supervisory Alliance’ outside the city council, which highlighted the project’s countless site planning problems and a lack of information disclosure and public participation in the process.

Currently, the selected location for the hospital is Jiangong 2nd Road, ‘Lot 31’, and it is expected that the medical grade children’s hospital will be constructed through a BOT investment project. However, the supervisory alliance has said that Lot 31 is of insufficient size, inconvenient to traffic and for the fist time in Taiwan lacks the support of neighboring general hospitals, which may cause difficulty in securing human resources. The supervisory alliance indicated that for such major construction planning projects the city government should strengthen its communication regarding administrative procedures and introduce mechanisms for citizen participation.

Hsinchu City prepares to build children’s hospital: Supervisory alliance criticizes government for negligence in site selection 



新竹市籌建兒童醫院 監督盟批市府草率選址






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