
Carpenters from over the mountain – Making things by hand warms the soul

2017/07/18 14:07
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All those in this group of overall-wearing carpenters are graduates from the carpentry class at Hualien’s Yu-Dong Senior High School. Following just a year’s training and practical work, they have cooperatively created a whole selection of wooden handicrafts which are on show at a 9-day exhibition at Huashan1914-Creative Park. 

Each of the children in this group has their own unique story. Take 16-year-old Yang Rui-en (楊瑞恩), for example, who in spite of his parents’ initial opposition to pursuing a career in carpentry, took the carpentry class, participated in the exhibition, and provided enthusiastic introductions of the wooden handicrafts to visiting members of the public. Carpentry teacher and the group’s mentor Wang Jia-na (王嘉納), hopes that participation in this Taipei exhibition will open new horizons for the children and teach them that even if one lacks certain conditions in life, through enthusiasm and positive thinking we can always change things for the better. The sincerity, warmth, and confidence exuding from the children are a tribute to Wang Jia-na’s excellent guidance. 

Carpenters from over the mountain – Making things by hand warms the soul



後山卡本特 手作溫暖你心






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