International host families participate in International Coastal Cleanup
The Rotary Youth Exchange Program helps to facilitate an awareness of international culture in teenagers from participating families. If your teenage child is hosted by a family abroad then you are responsible for hosting a foreign teenager in Taiwan. Recently, a host family from Taiwan’s Pingtung took some foreign teenagers to attend an International Coastal Cleanup activity. The family hoped the event would not only give the kids a better understanding of Taiwan's marine ecology but also provide an opportunity to understand the importance of working hand-in-hand with each other to keep our beaches clean.
國際接待家庭 國際淨灘日
扶輪社國際青少年交換計畫,可以讓接待的家庭及受接待的國際青少年,增進 彼此對國際文化的認識,而如果你家裡有青少年到國外去接受接待,你在台灣 就要負責接待國外來的青少年。在台灣屏東的接待家庭,帶了國際青少年來參加國際淨灘日的活動,希望能夠讓他們更認識台灣的海洋生態,也和台灣人一起參與,共同付出努力,讓沙灘變得更乾淨。