
Yunlin International Puppet Theater Festival- national treasures gather to pass on their artistry

2017/10/24 11:55
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   Yunlin International Puppet Theater Festival has been running for close to twenty years. This year, the festival focused on international exchange, inviting domestic and foreign puppet troupes to perform together on stage. A particularly special part of this year’s festival was an awards ceremony for four puppetry masters, acknowledging their lifetime’s contribution to the art.

   The opening day was marked with a street carnival, in which Yunlin’s school students and university clubs were invited to participate. Carnival troupes cosplayed as various puppet characters, the gorgeous costumes catching the attention of the public. On top of all this, the sight of foreign students waving flags at the festival brought a wonderful atmosphere.

    In recent years, there have been fewer and fewer opportunities for young people to encounter traditional culture, resulting in a loss of artistic skills and a gradual decline in the art of puppetry. Through artistic exchange between domestic and international puppetry troupes, Yunlin International Puppet Theater Festival is giving people a chance to experience the charm of puppetry, which it hopes will rekindle this fascinating art and develop it to new heights.









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