Zoo creates new hippo home with face-to-face visual experience
Peering from behind a pane of glass, one can now get a uniquely intimate perspective on the hippos at Taipei Zoo. The zoo’s new hippo house has installed a sub-surface glass viewing area that gives visitors a totally fresh experience. Following renovation, the new hippo area is double that of the original, including a submerged landscape that helps provide the resident hippos with a home closer to their natural living environment.
The new hippo house was planned using the concept of “barrier-free access,” ensuring the elderly and those with physical disabilities are fully catered for and that regardless of whether you are pulling a pram or a wheelchair, there are absolutely no obstructions to cramp your style. The zoo said that the new hippo house was constructed to meet the government’s Long-term Care Act, which insists on taking into account of the right to recreation of senior citizens and that it has plans to introduce many more friendly facilities in the future.