Take time from your hectic life and read a book with your child

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The village temples are the children’s “school after school.” The “Taijiang Mobile Library” donated by the Hai-Wei-Chao Palace is open for service throughout the summer holidays. The Tainan Municipal Library, Hai-Wei-Chao Palace, and Tainan Community University Taijiang Campus collaborated and launched the “Read a book with your child” movement. Together, the establishments called out to parents to take a day off and attend the “Enjoy a Summer Full of Reading” event hosted by Taijiang Mobile Library. They encourage parents to accompany their children to the temple to read or lend a book, hoping to see families bonded by literature and communities enriched by the learning environment and culture.

Tainan Municipal Library expressed that the establishment of the “Reading Station” through Taijiang Mobile Library at the temple community has been greeted with much success and popularity. The potential demand for reading in the Taijiang region can be proven by the sheer volumes of books lent out or read at the station – the amount in one season has surpassed that of a Tuchen Branch Library. At every holiday, the temple “Reading Station” will broadcast the arrival of Taijiang Mobile Library. Grandparents bring their grandchildren to the station to read, and mothers accompany their children to borrow books. For those who are busy with homework, they would ask their fathers to spare some time to return books and borrow new ones for them. The reading movement has been successfully set into motion in the Taijiang community.

Tainan Community University Taijiang Campus pointed out that:
“children who possess a passion for reading tend to stay on the right path.
Reading is the starting point of learning, and also the first step to improve one’s characters and personalities.”

The volunteers at Taijiang Campus provided service along with Taijian Mobile Library at many temples and parks, with the goal of creating a “school after school.” Through educating the adults along with community reading movements, they hope to promote a learning atmosphere in communities.

With the approach of summer vacation, many working parents are unable to spend more time with their children to read and learn, or simply just to have fun. For those financially capable, their children will be sent to daycare centers or tutor classes while parents are at work. As for the families who cannot afford such luxury, the children are forced to be left at home alone. Responding to this situation, communities and schools thus collaborated to host the event - Read a book with your child.

The event received enthusiastic acclaim and support from local representatives and schools like JenHai Elementary School. During summer, the Reading Stations will be expanded from eight communities to fourteen, hoping to create a more convenient, friendly, and localized book-lending system. Through Tiajiang Mobile Library, the difficulties of borrowing books in remote areas of Taijiang can be resolved. We encourage parents to attend the summer reading events hosted by Taijiang Mobile Library with their children despite their busyness at work. In front of temples or in community parks, accompany your children to read a novel, lend a book, take a break and spend a summer filled with the pleasures of reading.


PeoPo 討論區


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加入時間: 2009.07.21


加入時間: 2009.07.21



Who wrecked the oceans, rivers and creeks?


Take time from your hectic life and read a book with your child



