
Quasi-dependents’ village below the banyan tree - Ligong Community

2018/07/20 10:31
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PeoPo推 0

Ligong Community, a quasi-dependents’ village, is located in Hsinchu’s East District. It is an independent dependents’ village built by veterans of the Kuomintang army. These brave veterans of the community have managed to traverse a demolition crisis, ensuring that the winding alleys, buildings, and life of the dependents’ village remain preserved to this day. Of the community’s 1000 residents, around 400 are seniors. As a result, the community development association established a day-care center, where seniors can get together to study and have meals during the day. The community has also implemented patrols to maintain law and order at night.

In the true spirit of altruism, volunteers come to help out at the center each day and the village director and community development association have worked tirelessly to improve the area's ramshackle appearance, transforming it into a clean and welcoming community full of love and mutual caring. In today's day and age, encircled by high buildings, the “ordinary” lifestyle of Ligong Community isn't so "ordinary," and provides a rather unique and endearing experience.







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