
The volunteer chefs spreading love to the rural districts

2018/10/05 14:10
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People with disabilities and seniors living alone can be found in rural districts throughout Taiwan. Many are confined to the tiny space of their own home and rarely get the opportunity to sample gourmet food. Five years ago, an NGO called Blood Volunteer Chefs (熱血義廚團) began appealing for like-minded chefs to assist in a charity tour of the country; to date, the organization has already left its compassionate footprints across a vast swath of rural Taiwan. Through this voluntary cooking service, many people in need of care have had the chance to enjoy fine food, cooked up by first-rate kindhearted chefs.

Recently, Blood Volunteer Chefs visited Zhuqi in Chiayi, where it laid on forty-seven tables and invited special needs organizations to enjoy a sumptuous meal in celebration of Moon Festival. In addition to the hearty dishes, there were also hairstylists and masseurs on hand to spread the love too, winning a big thumbs up from all participants. Blood Volunteer Chefs hopes that through public participation in such charitable events, we can spread the spirit of caring and love to every nook and cranny of the nation.







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