
Satoyama Conservation Market – Witnessing grassroots power

2019/01/19 09:30
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PeoPo推 1

In order to preserve the habitat of wild animals living in low elevation mountains, the Forestry Bureau and Kuan Shu Education Foundation teamed up to organize Satoyama Conservation Market in Hsinchu’s Beida Park. The people from northern Taiwan were invited to experience the warmth and beauty of farm products produced through sod culture, a farming method that retains cover grass and doesn’t till the land. Market-goers also got to enjoy terrific performances and digest a wealth of conservation knowledge.

Centered around a theme of "The Power of Sod Culture," the market is helping to educate the public on the benefits of local sod culture farming. Low-elevation mountainous areas are a patchwork of streams, hills, and farmland closely intertwined with village settlements, which is collectively known as "satoyama" in Japanese. The excessive use of herbicides and pesticides has not only destroyed the quality of the soil and diversity of wildlife in these areas but also severely affected people’s health. To find a balance between agriculture and conservation, rural communities and nature, raising public awareness and a willingness to protect satoyama environments is the first step.










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