
Keeping the age-old tradition of rush weaving alive

2019/06/10 11:42
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Juncus effusus, aka soft rush, grows mainly to the south of Yuanli River and north of Da'an River. Planted in the same way as rice, in the rush-weaving heyday in Taiwan, there were dozens of hectares of rush fields. According to statistics from Taiwan Yuan-li Handiwork Association, there is only one hectare of planted rush remaining today.


To raise awareness about the traditional rush-weaving culture in Taiwan, enthusiasts of the craft have not only cooperated with elementary schools but also provided guided tours, in-depth DIY activities, and organized exhibitions of various sizes at home and abroad. However, as rush weaving is a handcraft that takes many years to master, few young people are willing to adopt it as a profession and so passing on this craft still faces many challenges. Perhaps rush weaving may never return to its former glory days, but it would be sad to see this old tradition vanish into the sands of time. Hopefully, through the joint efforts of NGOs and government departments, the culture of rush weaving will remain alive and kicking for future generations to enjoy in Taiwan.  








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