
New sustainable food concept transforms food waste into fine cuisine

2019/06/17 11:07
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In the market, many ugly agricultural products are hard to sell and often end up eliminated or discarded. According to statistics from the Environmental Protection Administration, 2,000 metric tons of imported food is discarded each year in Taiwan, which is equivalent to about 5 million lunches. To address this serious food waste problem, Huamei Community Surplus Restaurant (華美社區廚房) is using creativity to maintain the value of ugly food and change people's attitude towards so-called food waste.

In addition to cooking up a buffet created from rejected food products, Huamei Community Surplus Restaurant also invites residents to take home free surplus produce in the afternoon and jointly help clean and sort vegetables. Visitors are also encouraged to bring any food items close to expiry, which they can swap for things in the "compassion" fridge. Such activities have not only helped to build cohesiveness in the neighborhood but also provide a direct response to the food waste crisis - through the power of "food," Huamei Community Surplus Restaurant has established a sense camaraderie among community residents. So next time you sit down to enjoy a delicious meal, remember to cherish every bite, because god food doesn't come easy.


食物永續新觀念 剩餘食材變佳餚






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