Where does ocean trash come from? Changhua’s beach cleanup
Changhua Aquaculture Development Association, Changhua Environmental Protection Union and various other NGOs jointly held the "2019 Changhua Joint Coastal Cleanup" event, which thanks to the participation of over 300 groups and 6,000 people, cleared 39.13 tons of ocean garbage.
Where does the garbage come from? Why is there a never-ending influx of ocean garbage? Through participation in the beach cleanup, local residents personally experienced the scale of Taiwan's garbage problem and reflected on their environmental habits.
While participating in beach cleanup events, we should reflect on where precisely the garbage originates and work to reduce garbage at the source. Only through such action can we ensure environmental slogans are no longer merely slogans but actually begin to make a difference to environmental protection and give marine life a clean living habitat.
以下為 中文對照
彰化縣養殖協會與彰化縣環境保護聯盟等團體共同舉辦「2019彰化全海岸聯合淨灘」 活動吸引超過300個團體,6000多人報名參與,共清出39.13噸海洋廢棄物。