
Patterned iron window grates keep old memories alive

2020/04/13 15:14
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Patterned iron window grates were introduced to Taiwan during the Japanese occupation. They provided an anti-theft device for the glass windows of early western-style buildings and were very popular in the 1970s when Taiwan’s economy was taking off. However, since the introduction of stainless-steel window grates, iron grates have gradually lost their appeal and been largely forgotten. Despite this, in Xindian District, New Taipei City, proprietor Zeng Wen-chang (曾文昌) has continued to make patterned iron window grates for more than thirty years.


Because the raw materials for iron window grates are softer and more susceptible to rusting, each year during the Lunar New Year period, iron window grates were traditionally given a lick of paint. Zeng Wen-chang's childhood memories of painting with his grandma have left a strong and lasting impression on him.


In recent years, Zeng Wen-chang has used his creativity to integrate traditional iron window patterns into various cultural and creative products, such as mobile phone stands, table lamps, necklaces and eastern-style spring couplets, ensuring that the culture of iron window grates remains a part of everyone’s daily life.




鐵花窗職人曾文昌 復刻老屋記憶風景











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