
Sustainable development in Daqiao: Revitalizing local customs

2020/06/29 14:53
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PeoPo推 1

Each year, the rural community of Daqiao holds various activities to help build cohesiveness within the community. At the annual autumn and winter rice harvests, they try to bring some creativity into rural life through a raft of activities, including folk games, kite competitions, harvest thanksgiving meals, rice-cutting competitions, and mud battles. One of the most notable activities is the harvest thanksgiving meal. Seeing locals arrive in procession with food baskets on carrying poles and wearing traditional conical hats is truly a sight to behold.

The community transformation has now entered its twenty-seventh year! The starting point of the transformation was the community care center, which aims to ensure that elderly folks living alone aren’t also forced to languish in loneliness. Despite many failures during the early years, the residents refused to give up and, today, many other communities come to learn from Daqiao about its successful transformation. In the future, Daqiao hopes to attract more young people into the ranks to ensure the community can continue sustainably and prosper long into the future.




大橋社區永續經營 活化再造在地風情







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