
80-year-old's lifetime dedication to grocery store

2020/08/24 10:21
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81-year-old Guan Da-xing (官大興) traveled north from Changhua to Taipei alone at seventeen years of age. After doing various temporary jobs and hard manual labor, he decided to start his own business. At the time, he was penniless, and his parents kindly gave him NT$30,000 as capital to open a grocery store. He never imagined that half a century later, his humble little store would still be open.

The many small grocery stores that have witnessed eras come and go, from the demolition of the railroad and the construction of roads to the advent of mass rapid transit (MRT), not only bear testimony to the changing times but also record the rise and fall of the grocery store industry in Taiwan. Now in business for nearly sixty years, Guan Da-xing has been through many crises, from being swindled for money to seeing his family break apart, etc., all of which he says, just like his grocery store, has allowed him to experience every season of life, the good times as well as the bad.



台灣最美風景 80歲爺爺守護一生的雜貨店








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