The last silkworm farmer in Taiwan, Tu Chuan-ming guards traditional industries
In Taiwan, silkworms are a part of our earliest childhood memories. However, after growing up, the image of fat, white silkworms seemed to gradually fade from our memory. In Miaoli, Tu Chuan-ming is a sericulture expert with more than 40 years of experience. The inventor of a unique hand-made silk quilt, today, Mr. Tu is the only sericulture farmer left in Taiwan.
Taiwan's silk industry reached its peak in the 1980s. In the 1990s, when cheap silk began to flood Taiwan from mainland China, a combination of competition and threats saw the surface area of Taiwan's mulberry fields decline year by year. Despite the government's decision to abolish mulberry production in Taiwan, Mr. Tu Chuan-ming has overcame countless difficulties and in recent years has successfully transformed his business into an eco-educational sericulture farm, helping to education the public about silkworm ecology and farming processes. Mr. Tu Chuan-ming insists on preserving this long-standing cultural industry and hopes that by passing on his skills to the next generation, he can create a new golden era of silk production in Taiwan.
台灣僅存蠶農 涂泉明守護手工產業