
Mobile Convenience Store

2010/05/10 14:07
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In Yu Ying Village, Chiayi City there is one elderly 83 year old grandpa Li Rong Bin, who takes to the streets daily, pushing a old hand cart full of groceries that is close on 60 years old, whilst beating a hand drum to ‘drum up’ business.  Nowadays in Taiwan, convenience stores and hypermarkets can be seen all over the city, however there is still a group of housewives who simply love to shop for daily necessities at ‘Grandpa Li’s Grocery Cart’.  It really is an Aladdin’s cave, even stocking things you don’t often see at the average convenience store, like a needle and thread or elastic bands.  However grandpa Li is on the verge of retirement and ‘Grandpa Li’s Grocery Cart’ is about to become a piece of history and a precious memory of the city streets.

Mobile Convenience Store-‘Grandpa Li’s Grocery Cart’ (by Zhao Ji Zai, Chiayi CJ)


移動的便利商店--「雜細仔車」 (by 嘉義公民記者 朝基仔)


在嘉義市育英里,有一位83歲高齡的阿公李榮濱,每天推著一輛快滿60歲的雜貨車,手裡拿著搖鼓,沿街叫賣雜貨。現在台灣大街小巷都有便利商店與大賣場, 但還是有一群家庭主婦,喜愛向阿公這輛充滿古早味的「雜細仔車(Grocery Van(?)」購買日用品,車內應有俱有,連一般便利商店不易買到的針線跟鬆緊帶都有。不過阿公即將退休,這輛「雜細仔車」也將走入歷史,成為大街小巷中 的珍貴記憶。

From mid April 2010, PTS’s citizen news platform PeoPo will carefully select three topical stories from each week’s news and translate them into English. This will extend the range of the service further, allowing an even greater number of concerned citizens to keep up to date with all the breaking news, the whole length of Taiwan.

公共電視PeoPo公民新聞平台,為擴大服務範圍,將自2010年4月中旬開始,每周精選三則公民報導翻譯成英文摘要,讓更多關心公民新聞的朋友,可以透 過PeoPo平台瞭解台灣在地大小事。



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