
Protection of the Farmland Green Tree Frog Bamboo Farmers Halt Use of Chemicals

2010/06/01 11:19
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PeoPo推 1

Beishi Village, Dalin Township, Chiayi County has the highest density of the Farmland Green Tree Frogs in Taiwan.  The frog exists at a height of 1 to 50 meters above sea level and requires a particularly clean environment, devoid of the slightest pollution in order to survive. In an effort to safeguard the Farmland Green Tree Frog, local bamboo farmers are vigorously negotiating a comprehensive plan to halt the use of agricultural chemicals.

Although without the use of agricultural chemicals the leaves appears rather unsightly, and the bamboo shoots a little smaller, however using these natural cultivation techniques has turned this piece of bamboo forest into a tree frog paradise, demonstrating how farmers and nature can coexist together.

Protection of the Farmland Green Tree Frog  Bamboo Farmers Halt Use of Chemicals
URL:  http://www.peopo.org/portal.php?op=viewPost&articleId=56765


保護諸羅樹蛙  筍農停用農藥





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