
Heartbeat of Wanbao

2010/06/21 11:13
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Wanbao in Miaoli County is famous for producing watermelon.  In the past, they would hold a watermelon festival every year.  This year the watermelon is as sweet as ever but due to the development of Houlong Science Park, the people of Wanbao are faced with expropriation of their land.  The people of Wanbao have adapted this years World Expo’s theme song ‘Heartbeat of Taiwan’, to express their feelings with regard to the land.

The watermelon vine is spreading,On the warm dry sand,The farmers are inseparable from their land,The fragrant smell of mother earth,The tranquil embankments,I carefully taste,  A handful of salty and crunchy peanuts,Quiet and contented in my hometown,The band is playing loud and clear,Sharing happiness and joy with others,Already together 300 years,All of us children of Wanbao,The yellow twilight of sunset,Dragon Cloud Plaza,I sincerely light some incense,And hold a hope in my hand,A little less destruction, a little more care,A little less greed, a little more listening,Earnestly use the spirit of the earth,Experience life as you wipe away the sweat,Listen attentively,

To the heartbeat of Wanbao.

Heartbeat of Wanbao
URL: http://www.peopo.org/portal.php?op=viewPost&articleId=57556



苗栗縣灣寶是著名的西瓜產地,過去每年總是在夏天舉辦西瓜節,但今年西瓜依舊甜,灣寶卻面臨因為後龍科學園區開發,土地要被徵收的無奈。灣寶在地的民眾改編今年世界博覽會台灣的主題歌「台灣心跳聲」,來表達對於灣寶土地的情感。歌詞如下:那西瓜藤蔓延   溫暖的旱沙地
像農民離不開   有土香的地方
寧靜的田埂   一把鹹酥花生
我在細細品嚐   恬淡的家鄉
八音團響亮   關於喜悅的分享
三百年共存   都是灣寶的子民



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