
The impact of Covid-19: the burden of face masks on the environment

2021/07/05 15:13
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PeoPo推 0

The demand for face masks during the Covid-19 pandemic has surged, putting a considerable burden on the environment. According to statistics from the environmental protection organization Ocean Asia, the annual global production of surgical masks is 52 billion, 1.56 billion of which found their way into the ocean in 2020. Discarded masks littering our oceans not only pose a risk to our health and safety but also have an adverse impact on wildlife and ecosystems.


Wearing surgical masks looks increasingly likely to become a future norm, so the question must be how to make them more biodegradable. Because nonwoven surgical masks are made from synthetic fibers and not readily biodegradable, failure to address this problem is an environmental disaster waiting to happen. However, the environmental burden caused by masks is not a problem that can be solved by simply developing recyclable nonwoven surgical masks. Essentially, only by raising awareness about this issue do we have a hope of preventing discarded masks from becoming a new natural disaster on a similar scale to the scourge of PET bottles.



疫情影響 廢棄口罩成環境壓力









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