
A new style of folk culture: temple fairs in miniature

2021/07/20 10:55
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PeoPo推 0

Temple fairs are an important part of Taiwan's folk culture. There have been many innovations and changes over the years in Taiwan, but one of the quirkier ones involves making intricate models of temples and everything to do with temple culture. This model-making trend has a history of more than a decade. At the outset, makers produced models and researched everything by themselves. Then, with the development of the Internet, people began to exchange work through the online community. Befriending like-minded temple aficionados, they began to hold actual temple fairs - in miniature, of course.

The model makers pursuing this newfangled trend insist they do not have overly ambitious goals, simply to make a positive contribution to the culture they love. For example, by using models of temple fairs to teach children the correct concepts about temple culture and how to conduct temple rituals, they hope to raise awareness about temple culture and increase people’s competence in this field. Naturally, this will help reduce creating bad impressions about Taiwan’s temple culture.




民俗文化新樣態 模型廟會比手藝











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