

2021/07/28 03:19
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世界衛生組織的菸草控制方法存在根本性缺陷。20 年來,他們根本沒有在減少菸草消費方面取得任何有意義的進展,如今菸草使用者超過 10 億,每年有 800 萬人死於與菸草有關的疾病。


Dr. Derek Yach曾是世界衛生組織(WHO)高級官員,主導菸草控制框架公約(FCTC)的制定。/圖:網路。

可燃紙菸使用量的下降放緩是對該組織及其彭博合作夥伴的嚴重控訴,他們一直專注於過度的言辭而不是行動,破壞了真正的進步。優惠的消費減少機制,例如有效的稅收政策,在大多數發展中國家嚴重滯後,在幫助這些國家的吸煙者戒煙方面嚴重失敗,醫生很少參與,尼古丁替代療法也沒有。儘管彭博在這些國家投資了超過 10 億美元。” 

下一代設備的異常增長為世界衛生組織提供了一個真正的機會來一勞永逸地解決消費燃燒產品的問題。超過 1 億戒煙者使用降低風險的產品,世衛組織應該通過鼓勵各國政府提供鼓勵性規範框架來實現更大的擴張,從而利用對該產業的大規模投資。




“The WHO’s tobacco control approach is fundamentally flawed. In 20 years, they have simply failed to make any meaningful progress to reduce tobacco consumption, with over 1bn tobacco users today and 8m people dying annually from tobacco-related illnesses."

"The slowing decline in use of combustible cigarettes is a serious indictment of the organisation and their Bloomberg partners who have been focused on excessive rhetoric as opposed to action, undermining true progress. Favoured consumption reduction mechanisms, such as effective tax policies, have badly lagged in most developing nations, and there has been a massive failure to help smokers in these countries quit, with doctors rarely engaged and nicotine replacement therapies not available. This despite over $1bn being invested by Bloomberg in these countries." 

“The exceptional growth of next generation devices offers the WHO a real opportunity to tackle combustible consumption once and for all. Over 100 million ex-smokers use reduced risk products and the WHO should be taking advantage of massive investment in the sector by encouraging governments to provide an incentivised regulatory framework to enable greater expansion."

“If ever there was a time to show some pragmatism and get serious on harm reduction strategies, as health systems play catch up from the pandemic, it is now.”



President Derek Yach’s Statement On The WHO’s Global Tobacco Epidemic Report


Dr. Derek Yach, a global health expert and anti-smoking advocate for more than 30 years, is the President of the Foundation for a Smoke-Free World. He is also a passionate advocate for health promotion and disease prevention.



WHO distracts from decades of failed efforts to reduce smoking with misguided war on safer alternatives - GSTHR Press Release
Tuesday 27 July 2021


The WHO Emphasizes Its Mission to Destroy Safer Nicotine Alternatives  - Alex Norcia


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WHO report on the global tobacco epidemic 2021: New and Emerging Products


LIVE launch of the WHO Report on the Global Tobacco Epidemic 2021

Many countries are making progress in the fight against tobacco, but a new WHO report shows some are not addressing emerging nicotine and tobacco products and failing to regulate them. Paula Jane Radcliffe MBE, a former British long-distance runner and three-time winner of the London Marathon (2002, 2003, 2005), three-time New York Marathon champion (2004, 2007, 2008), and 2002 Chicago Marathon winner will join the panel discussion to support the six MPOWER measures: monitoring tobacco use and preventive measures; protecting people from tobacco smoke; offering help to quit; warning about the dangers of tobacco; enforcing bans on advertising, promotion and sponsorship; and


WHO calls for better regulation of ‘harmful’ e-cigarettes


世衛發布菸草報告 籲應對電子菸威脅


電子煙對傳統菸草市場的影響:破壞式創新之觀點(The E-cig impact on traditional tobacco market: Perspectives of disruptive innovation)

十億人生 官方預告片 電子煙紀錄片(A Billion Lives Official Trailer)




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