Seeing the High-Tech with Rose Colored Spectacles
Taiwan has been named as the kingdom of high-tech, with many high-tech productsbeing both designed and produced in Taiwan. Regrettably, recently at Foxconn’s Guangdong factory, story after story of suicide have been in the press.
Young Fast Optoelectronics, subcontractor for the well-known brand name cell- phone HTC, has also been in the spotlight for disputes over improper dismissal and exploitation of its factory workers.
A group of college students converged on Taiwan’s computer exhibition and put on a play to make known their feelings toward the unfair treatment of workers as well as to make consumers stop and think before buying their glitzy new product, ‘Human Technology’ or ‘ Human Suffering’?
Seeing the High-Tech with Rose Colored Spectacles
台灣被稱為是高科技的王國,許多科技的產品都是由台灣設計製造,但是鴻海富士康深圳工廠爆發了員工連環跳樓的遺憾。知名品牌手機HTC的代工供應廠洋華光電也爆發了剝削勞工、不當資遣的勞資爭議。 一群台灣大專院校的學生,來到台灣電腦展的現場,以行動劇的方式,表達牠們對於勞工的關心,也要消費者在購買美麗眩目的高科技產品前,思考一下,「科技究竟是來自於人性,還是來自於人命?」