
The Sandwich Man

2010/08/02 17:22
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PeoPo推 1

The wider economy is in a recession, however the real estate market in Taiwan seems to appear thriving, and from this has sprung a new occupation, standing beside busy roads holding real estate advertising – enter “The sandwich man”!  Draped from head to toe in these advertising boards, they take on the appearance of giant sized sandwiches.  Their work brings to light the disparity between the rich and the poor, with current property prices rocketing into the millions, surprisingly the sandwich man only earns a mere 700 NTD per day ($20).  An increasing number of sandwich men, are appearing in the nooks and crannies of society, left no option but to regretfully struggle on to make ends meet.

The Sandwich Man – New Occupation Reflects the Wide Disparity Between Rich and Poor (by Lin,Nai-Chuan, Taipei CJ )


URL: http://www.peopo.org/news/56320
三明治先生 新興職業反映經濟落差 ( by 台北公民記者Lin,Nai-Chuan )
URL: http://www.peopo.org/news/56320


大環境不景氣,但房地產業卻顯得欣欣向榮,一種新興職業隨之出現,他們就是舉著建案廣告,站在車水馬龍道路旁的「三明治先生」。身上前後各背著一塊房地產 廣告看板,就像是一個大型的三明治。他們的工作,突顯了貧富差距,房價動輒上千萬,但三明治先生一天的薪資卻只有七百元。越來越多三明治先生出現在社會的 角落,他們感慨辛苦,為了生活也無可奈何。



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