
Stubborn, Very Stubborn, I am Very Stubborn

2010/08/02 17:29
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PeoPo推 1

The year before last, Typhoon Kalmaegi wreaked havoc on the Chashan tribal villages of Alishan Township, Chiayi County.  Before an end to the long and tedious process of assessments and administrative procedures was reached, and before restoration work had started, last years devastating Typhoon Morakot struck, resulting in an even greater restoration budget.  The CJ who visited the village had to travel a long and winding detour to reach their destination – a journey that should have been very short and swift.   The body designated to carry out the work, have given many legal and administrative excuses, but the rebuilding of one bridge has been dragged out for over two years, meanwhile the area is extremely dangerous with no adequate safety installations except a few rocks scattered along the side of the road to act a s a makeshift safety barrier. Local residents can only sigh at the government’s bureaucracy and shear stubbornness.

Stubborn, Very Stubborn, I am Very Stubborn ( by niahosa, Chiayi CJ )
URL: http://www.peopo.org/news/56543 


很硬、我很硬、真的好硬 ( by嘉義公民記者 鄒公(niahosa )


前年『卡玫基』颱風,對嘉義縣阿里山鄉茶山部落造成災害,經過冗長的評估等行政程序,道路還未動工修復卻又碰上去年的『莫拉克』颱風,需要更龐大的經費預 算。公民記者要進到茶山部落,明明就在部落旁,但是卻要繞一大圈的便道才能抵達,相關單位說一切依法行政,但是建一座橋卻拖了二年,而且根本無安全設施, 只有幾顆石頭當安全護欄。居民只能感嘆政府與官僚的頭腦真的很「硬」。



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