
Grieving Over the Death of Dapu Farmers

2010/08/09 17:16
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PeoPo推 2

On the third of August, as a consequence of the land expropriation process and the planned tearing down of her home, Mrs Zhu, a relative of one of the members from the Dapu Self-help Association, unable to bear the depression and fear any longer, took a fatal dose of pesticides.  On the 9th of June excavators rolled into Dapu Township to dig up rice fields, the preferred government method of land expropriation, a method deemed unreasonable by the people of Taiwan, leading to countrywide protests. On the 19th of July, Mr Wu Dun-yi of the Executive Yuan intervened in an attempt to harmonize the situation.  However local residents are unhappy and say Mr Wu’s and the governmental policy is impotent, and that he is simply paying lip service to the situation, with no real intent on making change.  For Miaoli County Government it appears everything is ‘business as usual’, having enlarged the area fenced in, meeting with vehement appeals from villages on the front line, directly affected by the implications. Rural villages on the front line are strongly appealing to the county government to stop the irreversible emotional torment of villagers and damage to agricultural land.

Grieving Over the Death of Dapu Farmers (by CJ Nature)
URL: http://www.peopo.org/news/56955

After a Farmer’s Death---In Memory of Mrs Zhu Feng-ping (by CJ Hero Li)
URL: http://www.peopo.org/news/56933

URL: http://www.peopo.org/news/56955


URL: http://www.peopo.org/news/56933  



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