
Penghu’s Ancient Parasol Culture Lives On as Woman and Children Take on Role

2010/08/09 17:19
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PeoPo推 1

With between two and three hundred temples of all sizes island-wide, and holding regular monthly temple fairs, Penghu’s temple culture is flourishing.  These temple fairs have one particularly interesting role: the parasol bearer, who partly due to the shear weight and partly to tradition has always been an adult male.  However following the gradual demise of Penghu’s population, there is no one waiting in the wings to take over and continue this important role.  Fortunately, as a result of a recent initiative by Penghu’s county government, an ever-increasing number of people are stepping forward to take up this major temple role of parasol bearer.  Amongst the most eye catching of those taking part were the children from Anliang Temple in Longmen village and the women parasol bearers trained by the Cultural Affairs Department, bringing new life into Punghu’s temple culture, and carrying on this wonderful tradition for posterity.

Penghu’s Ancient Parasol Culture Lives On as Woman and Children Take on Role (by CJ Penghu’s Voice)
URL: http://www.peopo.org/news/57044


澎湖涼傘文化傳承有成 女性、孩子出線扮演 ( by 公民記者澎湖代 )
URL: http://www.peopo.org/news/57044





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