
Psychological Rehabilitation and Friendship

2010/08/16 16:38
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PeoPo推 1

A year after the Typhoon Morokot disaster, countless families are still picking up the pieces.  How can such emotional scars be healed?  The Southern Tribes Reconstruction Alliance, which was formed after the Morakot disaster, is forging forward with its plan to provide assistance and post-disaster care to each and every tribe, helping villagers who have remained in the mountains to sort out their lives.  They have also helped establish a refuge centre for homeless villagers, giving them temporary shelter and valuable time to get their lives back in order.  The volunteers are however worried that although on the surface villagers appear fine, their inner trauma and wounds are as deep as ever.  The Southern Tribes Reconstruction Alliance have taken the initiative to get closer to the villagers, attentively listening to their needs and standing by their sides, giving assistance to heal their psychological trauma and walking with them side by side on the road to recovery.

Psychological Rehabilitation and Friendship (by CJ Southtribe)
URL: http://www.peopo.org/news/57557


心靈重建與陪伴-南盟守護者 ( by公民記者 southtribe )
URL: http://www.peopo.org/news/57557





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