Tzaishan Your Shoot - Understanding monkey behavior to resolve conflicts
PeoPo Citizen Journalism Platform's first Your Shoot event of the year was held in Kaohsiung's Tzaishan, formerly known as Monkey Mountain. Tzaishan is famous for its large population of wild Formosan rock macaques that often try to snatch hikers' food and backpacks. But are these monkeys the cause of all the problems? Through a guided tour, citizen journalists were given a crash course in Tzaishan's ecology and got acquainted with the habits of Tzaishan’s monkeys. In addition to providing citizen journalists with a rare opportunity to snap many close-up shots of Formosan rock macaques, PeoPo also hopes that this Your Shoot will help foster a more positive human–monkey relationship.
PeoPo年度徵案 一起關心咱的老年
另外今年的PeoPo 30 mins的節目,也會以「咱的老年」來作為一個主題,不只社區大學參與,我們也要邀請校園採訪中心的學生公民記者,透過不同的觀察來提出臺灣高齡化社會下所需要關心的面向。希望今年的徵案主題可以廣邀更多的公民記者一起來參與。