
Kgb Burger aka Kiwi Gourmet Burger

2010/08/27 09:05
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PeoPo推 1

Located here at Shida Road, Lane 114, No. 5, 1F, Taipei, just opposite the welcome supermarket. It is a special restaurant known for its New Zealand gourmet and veggie dishes.

Matt Blackburn, born and bred in Auckand is manager of this restaurant and indicated that ll patties and sauces made by Kgb chefs using their own recipes and high standards, and they use pure New Zealand beef and free range chicken. The ingredients used here are the first step to creating healthy and tasty burgers.

Many of the dishes in the menu is is vegetarian based that Matt Blackburn and his friends only eat veggies instead of meat. All these choices are considered healthy and satisfying to set you in the best mood.




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