
Strolling along the riverbank to discover Tienliao: First Try Shoot+ event takes place in Keelung

2023/04/26 09:45
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In 2023, PeoPo’s Your Shoot metamorphized into Try Shoot+. The first Try Shoot+ was held in collaboration with Keelung Community University, taking participants around Keelung Harbor and sharing the historical past of the Tienliao River.


The Tienliao River is located in the northwestern part of Xinyi District and the northeastern part of Renai District in Keelung City. It was the first man-made canal in Taiwan, with 12 bridges along the riverbank named after the 12 Chinese zodiac signs. Each bridge is decorated with a sculpted Zodiac sign, like Lucky Dragon Bridge, Fortunate Sheep Bridge, Wealthy Dog Bridge, etc., imbuing Keelung’s folk culture with a cute and lively vibe.


In addition to leading citizen journalists to discover the local customs and folklore, Try Shoot+ also shared topical local issues in the afternoon so that participants could quickly grasp the direction of reporting. We hope plenty more citizen journalists will sign up for our new Try Shoot+ format and join us in raising awareness about grassroots issues.






踹拍Plus活動,除了帶領公民記者走讀當地的風俗民情,並在下午進行在地議題分享,讓大家能更快速的掌握報導方向。期待升級後的「TRY拍+ 」能有更多公民記者報名參與,一同來關心地方議題。






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