
PeoPo Catch Spotlight at International Press Institute's World Congress 2011

2011/10/03 17:04
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Four years of PTS’s innovative media platform, PeoPo News, has caught the spotlight of IPI, who decided to choose Taipei as the site for the International Press Institute (IPI) World Congress 2011. This year’s congress boasted a special agenda focusing in on the development of citizen journalism, inviting celebrated senior media persons including Tom Wang, Radio Host and Novelist, Taipei, Taiwan; Leh-Chyun Lin, Director, International Department, PTS; Chen-Ling Hung, Associate Professor, Graduate Institute of Journalism, National Taiwan University and Solana Larsen, Managing Editor, Global Voices. Speakers discussed the development of citizen journalism and shared the valuable operational experience at PeoPo.

Solana Larsen, Managing Editor of Global Voices Online, said citizen journalists are in the process of making history, and called on traditional media to ponder deeply over their own role in the industry. She went on to say, traditional media shouldn’t merely cover stories but must find a way to create interaction and sharing, warning that if they fail to make inroads into communicating with citizen journalists then it would be extremely difficult to survive in this digital age. In summing up, she encouraged citizen journalists by saying, ‘Believe in what you feel is important, and you’ll be making history”.

Chen-Ling Hung, Associate Professor at the Graduate Institute of Journalism in National Taiwan University expressed that in her opinion, stories from Taiwanese citizen journalists had great weight and credibility, already surpassing that of the mainstream media. She continued that the effect of politics on Taiwanese life was extremely serious, and that the integrity of stories read in the newspapers or seen in the ‘business media’ had to be seriously questioned. She emphasized that citizen journalism in contrast had consistently came across as being more credible and authentic in times of disaster or other major happenings - citizen journalists appeared to be always on the scene, covering the stories that mattered.

In this digital era, the development of citizen journalism is an innovative new method of news transmission, and has literally sent shockwaves through the entire media establishment. It is clear that there are still many areas within citizen journalism that need work, however the speed of development and power of citizen journalism has been truly bewildering - these are the fruits of all the citizen journalists’ labor; the blood, sweat and tears that you have put in over the past few years. We look forward to working hard in the future together, voicing out through the power of the lens and demonstrating our love for this nation, once more attracting the spotlight onto Taiwan.




PeoPo Catch Spotlight at International Press Institute's World Congress 2011

URL: http://www.peopo.org/news/84539





公視原創的PeoPo公民新聞平台,四年多來的表現吸引國際新聞協會(IPI)成員的矚目,2011年國際新聞協會選擇在台北舉辦年會,特地安排議程討論 公民新聞的發展,邀請資深媒體人王文華、公共電視國際部經理林樂群、台大新聞研究所副教授洪貞玲,與全球之聲(Global Voices Online)總編輯Solana Larsen等人,專題討論公民新聞的發展,也在場分享給各界朋友,有關公視PeoPo運作的經驗。
全球之聲(Global Voices Online)總編輯Solana Larsen提到,公民記者正在創造未來的歷史,她也呼籲傳統媒體應該思考,傳統媒體的角色不應只是報導故事,更應創造互動與分享;她認為若傳統媒體不認 真思考如何與公民記者交流,要在數位時代中生存將會遇到困難。她鼓勵公民記者持續報導,「相信你認為是重要的事,現在作的事情就是在寫歷史」。


台大新聞研究所副教授洪貞玲也表示,對她來說,台灣公民記者的報導影響力與可信度,已經超越傳統主流媒體,因為在台灣,政治影響非常嚴重,當我們在報紙 或商業媒體上看到某則新聞時,都要想一想「這是真實的嗎?」反而在天災或有重大議題發生時,公民記者的報導讓她備感可信與真實。

在數位時代,公民新聞發展了一套新的傳播模式,改變了由上而下的新聞產製,發展中的PeoPo仍有許多地方需要努力,但公民記者的力量已經讓傳統媒體工作 者驚艷,這也是各位公民記者的努力與付出獲得的成果。未來期待大家一起努力,用鏡頭持續關心家園,在地發聲,也讓世界看見台灣。



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