
Body Formosa(英文版)

2007/12/05 20:32
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PeoPo推 4

當世界為了遏止溫室氣體排放,造成全球暖化不可挽回的災難性後果,因而站在同一陣線上時,台灣呢?我們看 見以裸體象徵純淨人體與土地的「肉身台灣」,在一項又一項「豐功偉業」的傷害下,被撕裂、顫抖。我們還能沉默下去嗎?

All countries around the globe are devoted to reduce their greenhouse gases emissions, such as
CO2, to less than half the current quantity by 2050. While our beloved Taiwan has the following

Taiwan is number one in the world growth rate of CO2 emission, has the largest quantity of  
industrial organic waste in rivers, and hightest pesticides application intensity in the world.

Assessment of environmental protection ranks number two in the world from bottom up.

Our beloved land has been torn apart many times. She is trembling. How can we look the other

Taiwan must actively participate world's action to fight global warming.

For us, for our children, and for children's children, please join the parade to fight global
warming on December 8 with the rest of the world.



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