
The ‘Pig Mother’ hairdressers

2012/02/20 18:10
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PeoPo推 0

The real name of the ‘Pig Mother’ beauty salon’s proprietor and hair stylist, which is located in Chiayi County, Alishan Rd.(65K), is Wang Meilian. ‘Pig’s Mother’ was Wang Meilian’s old nickname that she decided to use for her salon. The name was given to her by local residents and Wang Meilian has been using the name now for over 24 years. Wang Meilian was raised in Fengchihu and began studying to be a beautician in high school. She moved back to her hometown after her high school graduation but after getting married at 22 and becoming a mother she began to pile on the pounds – at one point surpassing 80 Kg. That’s when locals gave her the nickname ‘Pig Mother’.

However, with Wang Meilian’s easy-going nature, not only didn’t she feel offended or become angered by the nickname, she surprisingly used it as her shop name. Over the years the name has become famous in the region and although “Pig Mother” has managed to get her figure back, she decided not to change the shop name – in fact she formerly renamed the shop ‘Beauty’ for a period of time, but there was a marked decline in business – looks like ‘Pig Mother’ it is!


The ‘Pig Mother’ hairdressers




不是母豬賽貂蟬 是「豬母」髮廊啦! 影音 ( 公義使者 ) 



本名王美蓮的美髮師,在嘉義縣阿里山公路65K的地方,開設了一家「豬母」美髮理髮設計坊,是當地聲名遠播的髮廊,「豬母」是當地人幫她取的綽號,她索性 就以此綽號為店名,一用就超過24年。王美蓮原是奮起湖人氏,國中畢業就北上學習美髮技術,藝成返鄉,22歲結婚生子,產後的王美蓮體重急遽上升,一度飆 破80公斤,當地人便因此給了她「豬母」的綽號,樂天知命的王美蓮非但沒有對這不雅的綽號生氣,反而以此為店名,在當地打響名號,現在的「豬母」已經逐漸 貼近標準身材,但她不會因此更改店名, 因為她曾經以「姿美」更改過店名,生意明顯下滑。




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