Daniao woman Su Ju-ying walks from the shadow of Typhoon Morakot
This is a story of one indigenous woman from the Daniao Tribe rediscovering her self-confidence and carving out a new life. After making it through the pain of Typhoon Morakot, Su Ju-ying from the Daniao Tribe in Taitung County began diligently studying and working her way into a new way of life, full of happiness. Following that fateful day in August two years ago, when her happy family home was raised to the ground, Su Ju-ying recounted how she wept almost every day.
She has slowly learned how to heal her wounds, and in these past two years, seized every study opportunity and class that has been offered at the village, never missing a class. She has slowly managed to change her claustrophobic habit of staying locked up at home and begin making contact with society again, utilizing every resource available in the village. Through studying handicrafts and sales marketing she has made some money to cover basic family expenses, but more than that, she has been able to walk out of the typhoon shadows and dared to dream again - to someday become an arts and crafts designer.
PeoPo 公民新聞
Daniao woman Su Ju-ying walks from the shadow of Typhoon Morakot into a fresh new way of life – Daniao reconstruction series (by CJ NCCU Online)
大鳥部落婦女蘇菊瑛 走出八八傷痛 活出積極人生-- 大鳥重建系列報導 ( 政在發聲 )
這是一個台灣原住民部落婦女如何建立自信、做自己的故事。走出八八風災的傷痛,台東縣大鳥部落婦女蘇菊瑛藉由學習、成長,默默耕耘出最幸福的生活方式。兩 年多前的八月,蘇菊瑛一家五口,一夕之間成了家園全毀的受災戶,那時候她幾乎天天都在哭。八八水災後,她以學習療傷,幾乎上遍了部落各種學習課程。兩年多 來,蘇菊瑛掌握每個學習機會,上課從不缺席。她一改過去心中只有家人的閉塞生活,慢慢走進社區、善用部落資源,不但認真學手藝、學行銷,賺些家用津貼,也 逐漸開創出一片自己的天空,甚至敢作夢,希望將來成為縫紉、手工藝設計師。