Reports on disaster after successive days of heavy rain
Seasonal monsoons have brought extremely torrential rain over the last few days, leaving citizens dumbfounded. The weather bureau announced that this spate of downpours is the third heaviest in recorded history. Numerous disasters have been captured first hand by citizen journalists all over the country and uploaded onto the PeoPo platform. After the river at Taitung’s Wulu Gorge became extremely swollen, destroying the approaching roads to Lidao Temporary Bridge, the bridge was quickly sealed off. However, citizens were given the use of New Lidao Bridge, which isn’t scheduled to officially open until 16th June.
In Chiyi’s Alishan District, rain began falling on the 9th, and by the 12th had already surpassed 500mm. Days of continuous rain have seen the levels of all rivers in the area rise sharply, and every village in the area has suffered damage - fortunately there have been no fatalities. The fierce surging water flowing in the Zengwen River and entering the Zengwen Reservoir, has not only influenced transportation in the area, but also severely tested the river-dredging project. Machinery could be seen partially submerge, as the swollen river raged its way through the land. The citizen journalist lamented, that it seems no one is willing to listen to the opinions of the indigenous people of the area, and the knowledge and experience stretching back thousands of years – this kind of engineering project is thought up by bureaucrats sitting in air-conditioned offices, destined to fail, and a waste huge sums of taxpayers’ money.
In addition, Pingtung County was attacked by many days of continuous heavy rain, causing the Walusi River to become dangerously swollen. In the depths of night, the river breached protective dykes to rush into Dahou Community in Laiyi County. The waters ran amok through the community center, but the disaster-prevention team took the bull by the horns and used backhoes to strengthen flood defenses upstream. “The snail-paced speed of river dredging following the disasters of Typhoon Morakot and Fanapi, has meant that riverbed levels are too high, and caused the river to breach its banks”, said Pingtung Reserve Command spokesperson You Jiang-bin.
PeoPo 公民新聞
PeoPo 公民新聞
PeoPo 公民新聞
PeoPo 公民新聞
Surging river destroys approach road to Lidao Bridge – New Lidao Bridge opened early
A test from the Heavens
Treacherous rapids run amok in Dahou Community Center
Heavy-rain disaster – Reports from citizen journalists
溪水洶湧,利稻便橋引道又被沖毀,新橋提前啟用 ( 欖仁居修行生活網 )
老天協助檢驗 ( 鄒公 )
惡水在大後社區活動中心撒野 ( 來義鄉久拉卡拉久部落文化推展協會 )
豪大雨災情 公民記者風雨中記錄 ( PeoPo Webcast )
連日來由梅雨鋒面所帶來的超大豪雨,雨勢驚人,氣象局表示這波梅雨的威力是史上第三強,在全台各地都造成不小的災情,各地公民記者紛紛拍攝第一手災情畫面 上傳PeoPo平台。台東縣霧鹿峽谷溪水暴漲,造成利稻鋼便橋引道兩端都流失,工務段因而緊急封閉鋼便橋,提前開放原本6/16才要剪綵啟用的利稻新橋供 用路人使用。
嘉義縣部分,阿里山地區各部落九日開始持續降雨,至十二日累計雨量超過500豪米,各部落已經陸續傳出災情,人員都無恙。連日持續陣雨各個溪流水量暴漲匯 流至曾文溪流入曾文水庫,雨勢猛烈除了影響道路交通,也對曾文溪整治疏濬等工程做了初步檢驗,豪大雨來溪水漲,工程機具還遺留在溪中工地。公民記者感嘆, 災後復建工程從不到部落和與山林為伍千百年傳承經驗的部落人交換意見,都是死抓規範的冷氣房工程,部落人都戲稱是交差式工程,浪費公帑。
而屏東縣受到連日大暴雨的侵襲,導致瓦魯斯溪水暴漲,惡水於6/12夜間漫過來義鄉大後社區擋土牆,直接衝到整個活動中心的心臟,防救災應變中心已經動用 2部怪手,在活動中心上方進行搶救中。屏東縣後備指揮部聯絡官游江濱說:應該是88與919災後疏濬速度牛步,才會造成河床居高不下,溪水漫流遲早會發生。