
Xiaolin renaissance series

2012/08/14 17:06
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In 2009, Typhoon Morakot wrought destruction and took an unimaginable human toll on Xiaolin Village in Jiaxian Township, Kaohsiung County. Following the disaster three new villages were built to house the families: 66 families in Da Ai Village, Shan Lin District(杉林月眉慈濟大愛園), 89 families in Xiaolin Village Wulipu(小林村五里埔) and 120 families in Riguang Village (杉林小林二村(日光小村). With the aim of strengthening the cultural element within the Pingpu Tribe, on completion of these permanent housing villages, the Ministry of Culture began promoting the Post Morakot Permanent Housing Culture Program (莫拉克颱風後永久屋基地文化種子培訓計劃).

The residents of Riguang Village are not only trying to walk out from under the shadow of the Morakot disaster, but also working hard to find a new ways of making a living. To do this the Council of Labor Affairs has divided the villagers into four working groups: handmade soap group, baking group, carpentry group and Chinese cooking group. The skills and training given in these areas are not only helping villagers to heal old wounds and providing them with a livelihood, but have also removed the need of villagers to leave their loved ones due to a lack of job opportunities. These efforts make the resurgence of this village culture a real possibility. On 24 December 2011, the completion date of their new homes, villagers formed a dance troupe and performed for the celebrations. Originally, they had only expected the troupe to be a short term, but after continual invitations from various parties, they decided to make it a long-term affair, and have been dancing ever since.

PeoPo 公民新聞

PeoPo 公民新聞

PeoPo 公民新聞

Xiaolin renaissance series (by CJ dino.utopia)









小林再起 系列報導 ( dino.utopia )







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