
Lin Yi-li’s dot painting

2012/10/31 11:11
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Down’s syndrome sufferers Lin Yi-li (林伊儷) resides at Yunlin Orphanage (內政部雲林教養院) is blind in the left eye and has 0.1 vision in the right eye. Even though she is virtually blind, her love of painting has won her awards in painting competitions. Due to her poor eyesight, Yi-li needs to lower her head to the paper in order to see what she is painting. Even with such difficulty and strain, Yi-li still insists on first sketching the painting in pencil and then painstakingly applying colored dots.

Yi-li’s painting style has changed over the years, from her original large areas of block color to her present dot style. In the past, Yi-li went through a period where she became rather tired and weary of painting, a time when even the constant encouragement of those around her was unable to change her thinking. It was not until after professor Lin Qian-hui (林千惠) from National Changhua University’s Special Education Department (國立彰化師範大學特殊教育學系) came to see Yi-li’s work did things change. Professor Lin believed that with such talent, it would be a great pity if Yi-li gave up painting, and decided to organize an exhibition to encourage Yi-li. Yi-li received a great morale boost, once more picking up her paintbrush and producing painting after painting, leaving onlookers gasping with admiration for her work.

PeoPo 公民新聞

Lin Yi-li’s dot painting (by CJ Enews)
URL: http://www.peopo.org/news/101979




唐寶寶林伊儷 「點」繪繽紛畫作 ( 中正E報 )







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