
University students provide face-lift to veteran’s area

2012/12/18 14:52
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Professor Chen Chi-peng (陳其澎) and students from the Interior Design Department at Chung Yuan Christian University (中原大學) have entered their second year of the community-building project in Jincheng community (金城社區). In Jincheng Street, the main road in Jincheng community, it is common to see old veterans casually walking and chatting in the middle of the street around the traditional grocery store - which doubles as a community center - a cozy little corner of Jincheng community. The grocery store was established over twenty years ago, and has a roof to shelter visitors from the rain, which many explain why it’s become such a popular community gathering spot, especially on rainy days! After discussions with residents, students working under the banner, "I Love Bade Jincheng Workstation”, planned to first clean up the area before giving the walls a new lick of paint. Finally, they wanted to put up a discussion board to advertise all the local happenings in Jincheng.

Panic set in when on the day of the event, - Saturday, November 17 – the rain began to lash down relentlessly, causing leaks to appear in the roof of the grocery store. At first light students braved the heavy rain in an attempt to fix the leaks, but it was as though the heavens had opened, and their attempts were all to no avail. However, with the enthusiastic backing and support of local residents, students were determined to push on with the event - a mission to beautify the area. Residents not only helped out with the work, but a few days after the activity, one resident kindly covered the concrete curb with ceramic tiles, transforming it into a perfect stool, and the grocery store owner mended the roof leaks. As we witnessed residents taking even more interest in the community, we were sure that the activity had helped deepen the their sense of community. The future, the team also plans to improve the living environment of the community elderly, improving accessibility, and making Jincheng a better place to live.


University students provide face-lift to veteran’s area (by CJ CJ bdjc)



大學生發揮所學 為榮民社區聚會場域換新妝(八德金城工作站)






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