
Big smiles from Uncle Lin!

2012/12/25 17:24
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After living alone in a foreclosed house for over 10 years, devoid of any water or electricity, Lin Chuan-ming (林傳明) – Uncle Lin - finally had something to smile about. Dozens of teachers and students from WuFeng University (吳鳳科技大學) paid a visit to Uncle Lin, where they cleaned up the house and courtyard, as well as providing him a little bit of winter companionship. Students were participating as part of WuFeng’s Social Resources and Volunteer syllabus, but many of the students were quick to realize that a "social service" should not be wrapped under the illusion of a way to gain credits. Second year Hospitality Management student Chen Wen-hsuan (陳玟瑄) worked meticulously in the dark bathroom, where she helped scrub the toilet and bathtub; she was visibly moved as she grappled with the reasons for grandpa Lin’s seemingly desperate living environment.

WuFeng University and Huashan Social Welfare Foundation (華山基金會) have enjoyed good interaction and cooperation for a very long time. Uncle Lin is a client of the Huashan Foundation’s Minxiong Division (民雄), but this particular activity was the brainchild of campus service learning group teacher, Chen Ya-wen (陳雅文), and general education teacher Wang Si-qi (王思琪), whose first job was to raise funds. The operation was then handed over to Huashan, which also managed to acquire some donated goods, including a quilt, water, and other daily necessities. 2nd year student He Ya-wen (何雅雯) discovered that Uncle Lin was relying merely on sweet potato leaf for greens, so on this visit they made a point of bringing some cabbage seedlings which they planted together with Uncle Lin; hopefully Uncle Lin will have some delicious cabbage greens to eat in the future.

“Uncle Lin not only lives alone in very poor conditions, but he has also suffered with cataracts for many years, for which he’s yet to receive any medical treatment, consequently resulting in his present blurred vision. Not only this, the house he lives in at present has been foreclosed for some time, and so he face the prospect of homelessness at any moment. We really need to inject more love and funds into social poverty,” said Huashan Foundation’s Minxiong Division Supervisor Lin Ya-ru (林雅茹).

PeoPo 公民新聞 by 公義使者

Big smiles from Uncle Lin!



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