
Braving Germany’s biting winter cold to voice out for Bradley Manning

2012/12/25 17:27
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PeoPo推 1

Huang Bo-shu (黃柏樹), a Taiwanese student studying in Germany, decided to strip naked and brave freezing winter conditions on the damp streets of Berlin to bring the human-rights case of soldier Bradley Manning to the public’s attention; a soldier who has already spent two-and-a-half years imprisoned under the unjust American legal system. While serving as an intelligence analysis officer in Iraq, Bradley Manning witnessed the intolerable massacre of Iraqi citizens by American soldiers. In order to reveal the truth to the world he felt impelled to release the images and related documents to Wikileaks. For this reason, he was arrested by the U.S. forces in 2010 and charged on 22 counts, including collaboration with the enemy. Manning was born on December 17, 1987 and is 25 this year. On the eve of Manning’s birthday, Huang Bo-shu once more striped naked and took to the streets, braving the biting winter cold in the hope the world does not to forget this courageous soldier, and hero of justice, Bradley Manning.

PeoPo 公民新聞 by 傑利

Braving Germany’s biting winter cold to voice out for Bradley Manning




台灣留德學生黃柏樹在3度C的德國柏林街頭,裸著身體在濕冷的天氣中傳達一項值得注意的人權訴求,這是為了曼寧士兵他長達兩年半的無正當法律程序的囚禁時間。美軍士兵Bradley Manning,曾經在伊拉克擔任情報分析工作,因為無法忍受服役期間親眼目睹多宗美國士兵,豪無緣由的屠殺伊拉克平民,於是將相關文件以及影像交給維基解密(Wikileaks),將實情公諸於世,為此,他在2010年時遭到美軍逮捕,並且被冠上通敵罪等22項罪名。1987年12月17日出生的曼寧,今年25歲,正當曼寧將在監獄中度過第三個生日的前夕,黃柏樹再次站上街頭,忍著低溫和顫抖的身子,希望世人不要遺忘曼寧士兵。




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