
NGOs criticize Legislative Yuan and demand their rights be upheld

2013/01/02 16:18
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On 25th December - Constitution Day in Taiwan – NGOs from all walks of life descended on the Legislative Yuan to protest for the right to attend legislative sessions and cover legislative affairs. Recently, after student Chen Wei-ting’s (陳為廷) criticism of the Minister of Education sparked controversy, KMT Legislator Huang Chih-hsiung (黃志雄) proposed to limit access to legislation sessions by barring citizen journalists from attending as observers. The proposition immediately triggered disapproval from NGOs that state the move would violate the Constitution, which guarantees citizens' right to political participation. Citizen journalists, scholars, citizens, judiciary staff and people from all walks of life and NGOs with common aspirations came together to remind the government of its constitutional duty. The common demands are: citizen journalists are given full access to gather reports from the Legislative Yuan; the Legislative Yuan works to prevent media monopolies; the Legislative Yuan Committee invites community members to attend sessions to ensure diversity of views; and the Legislative Yuan repeals Article 16 of the Rules of Procedure of the Legislative Yuan, which prohibits attendance at legislative sessions.

PeoPo 公民新聞 by 公民行動影音紀錄資料庫

NGOs criticize Legislative Yuan and demand their rights be upheld




行憲紀念日 民團呼籲立院別違憲 公民要旁聽及採訪權





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