
Relying on each other’s support in Huaguang

2013/01/21 15:53
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Wu Zhao-jin and her son Wu Jin-kun currently live in Lane 55 of Hangzhou S. Rd., Da’an Dist., (Huaguang Community). Due to arthrosclerosis caused form gout, Wu Jin-kun is unable to work and completely dependent on his mother for all aspects of daily life. His mother Wu Zhao-jin relies on the few hundred dollars a day she earns from paper recycling and her son’s small disability allowance to scrape a living. With the government currently demanding they demolish their home and pay compensation for unjust enrichment, it is hardly surprising that both mother and son feel helpless. Most of the residents living in Huaguang Community are vulnerable families without the financial means to relocate. Although Wu Zhao Jin and her son have been living in this tiny 12-square-meter house since she bought it in 1970, in 2006, the Executive Yuan proposed an urban renewal plan, but failed to include any kind of resettlement plan for residents. The Ministry of Justice followed by beginning to file legal proceedings against tenants, ordering them to vacate and demolish their homes as well as demanding that they pay compensation for unjust enrichment of state-owned land. At the beginning of last year, tenants lost the court ruling and were ordered to immediately begin vacating the premises. Wu Jin-kun said if the government insists on forcing the demolition of houses in the community then he and his mother will probably become yet another homeless statistic in the vicinity of Longshan Temple.

PeoPo 公民新聞 by 公民行動影音紀錄資料庫

Relying on each other’s support in Huaguang








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