
Dazzling stained-glass panels enriching building interiors

2013/01/21 16:00
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Lu Zheng-kuang from ‘The Kuang Workshop’ became familiar with stained glass while studying in the United Kingdom. This interesting art form left a strong lasting impression, and even after Lu Zheng-guang returned back to Taiwan and began working, their interest in stained glass never waned. Eventually, this love of stained glass provided the inspiration to open a stained glass class in Chongguang Community College, which students have been attending for the last five years, accumulating essential practical experience. The course begins with drawing out designs, before cutting the glass, assembling and soldering the pieces together. Although it is a very time-consuming process, when people standing indoors gaze out through the colourful glass at the changing light and shadows, the effect is simply mesmerizing. Traditionally, stained glass was only used in churches, but in recent years the art form has gradually gained universal appreciation as an art installation in public buildings. Such cases, however, are still rare in Taiwan, but with recent installations in Yilan County’s Public Health Bureau’s and Banqiao Fuzhou Area, Lu Zheng-guang hopes the public sector will become inspired to promote stained glass art as a form of community building.

PeoPo 公民新聞 by dino.utopia

Dazzling stained-glass panels enriching building interiors



鑲嵌玻璃 建築的光






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