
Ministry of Justice criticized over same-sex marriage issue

2013/01/29 10:41
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Taiwanese citizens Nelson Chen (陳敬學) and his partner, Kao Chih-wei (高治瑋) were married in a public wedding six years ago. Formerly, after being turned down when they tried to register their marriage at Taipei Household Registration Office, the couple filed a lawsuit at Taipei High Administrative Court. From March last year, Taipei High Administrative Court held six preliminary court hearings and on 20th December announced the unexpected verdict that it was seeking a constitutional interpretation while holding further debates before making a judgement. Recently, as a result of death threats directed at themselves and their families, Nelson Chen and his partner Kao Chih-wei decided to drop their bid to register the marriage. They began a press conference by apologizing to all their friends and relatives who had given them support.

Chen said that originally the case was to be sent for a constitutional interpretation from the Council of Grand Justices, but this decision was reversed on January 15 this year it demanded further complicated minor written details before progressing. He added that in a democracy the administrative, legislative and judicial processes should be independent, but at present, they suffer from the impact of political wrangling, which is trying to undermine the gay movement. After witnessing the indifferent attitude of the gay community to the issue Chen said he was left feeling powerless. He called on the community to be brave, stand up for what they believe, and fight against the injustices of the administrative system.

Taiwan LGBT Family Rights Advocacy secretary-general Shawn Wu (吳紹文) said it was regrettable they had dropped court proceedings, but respected Chen and Kao for all their hard word over the long and stressful litigation process, the sheer difficulty of which was beyond most people’s comprehension. Miss Wu added although the couple was threatened by irrational violence over the Internet, illustrating Taiwanese society still has a lot of discrimination, the issue of homosexuality must be returned back to court. Even though the court has allowed withdrawal of the court action, the issue cannot be avoided, and the court must take responsibility for this issue, making a clear interpretation of the Constitution.

PeoPo 公民新聞 by hehe

Ministry of Justice criticized over same-sex marriage issue
URL: http://www.peopo.org/news/108077













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