
Taiwan obstructs naturalization for new female immigrants

2013/04/01 17:21
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Lulu is an Indonesian national who has been married to a Taiwanese national for over 15 years; the couple’s children are on the brink of attending high school. However, in order to obtain a certificate of naturalization from the Taiwanese government, she is first required to renounce her current nationality - Indonesia - a prospect that has roused great struggle and reluctance in her. The Nationality Act (國籍法) is a legal decree regulating nationality, as well as related rights and benefits; the act directly affects over fifty thousand foreign spouses that have yet to gain full Taiwanese naturalization. Foreign spouses who wish to become Taiwanese citizens must not only undergo a tedious and lengthy naturalization process, but a number of stipulations in the act have created serious obstructions to many applicants. In light of these obstructions, the Alliance of Immigration Rights Protection (移民移住人權修法聯盟) and a number of cross-party legislators have proposed amendments to the current Nationality Act.

Yuan-Hao Liao (廖元豪), associate professor at the College of Law, National Chengchi University (NCCU) and consultant to the Alliance of Immigration Rights Protection, proposed three main amendments: ‘firstly, to repeal Article 4, bringing the naturalization process for divorced immigrants in line with that of other immigrants; secondly, to repeal Article 9, which stipulates immigrants must first renounce nationality of one’s country of birth, thus avoiding the possibility of immigrants becoming stateless individuals; and thirdly, to repeal Article 10, ensuring those that have already obtained Taiwanese citizenship need not wait ten years before being permitted to take up a job in the civil service. 

PeoPo 公民新聞 by 公民行動影音紀錄資料庫

Taiwan obstructs naturalization for new female immigrants




新移民姐妹歸化台灣阻礙多 國籍法修法提升人權






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