
Tree-art master – Li Yong-mo

2013/04/15 17:29
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Tree bark, leaf venation and fruit stones may all seems like useless waste to some, but in the skilled hands of physically disabled artist Li Yong-mo (李永謨), this ‘waste’ is magically transformed into delicate and exciting works of art. Creatively weaving tree bark into forms of art not only displays unique ingenuity, it also reveals the latent creative spirit of nature. 

The confidence Li Yong-mo gained after winning numerous domestic and foreign art awards for his creative tree-bark art not only inspired him to open teaching classes, but also provided the encouragement to develop this valuable art into a cultural and creative entrepreneurship, contributing to society through helping disadvantaged members of the community.

Li Yong-mo’s “tree art”, reflects the characteristics and soul of trees in his works. He believes that people can learn a great deal from nature, and in the creative process, find the inspiration to develop one’s own unique life philosophy. He hopes to reveal the regenerative beauty of nature through the innovation and creativity in “tree art”, and through using the resilience of trees as a model for life, express that in essence all things have their innate value.

PeoPo 公民新聞 by 淡江大傳

Tree-art master – Li Yong-mo







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