
Hualian’s ‘Your Shoot’

2013/07/01 17:43
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Hualian’s ‘Your Shoot’

Former command headquarters enjoys renaissance‭  ‬

At the end of June, PeoPo raised the Hualian leg of ‘Your Shoot’ at the old Japanese Command Headquarters (將軍府) adjacent to Meilun River, giving citizen journalists the opportunity to familiarize themselves with the culture and history of the area. During the Japanese occupation of Taiwan, countless Japanese-style buildings were constructed in the Hualian area. One such example is the Japanese Command Headquarters, a building of great historical significance, which through the passing of time, unfortunately fell into disrepair. Situated in one of Hualian’s prime locations, the building became earmarked for a commercial development that would have resulted in the demolition of this fine example of Japanese architecture.

Fortunately, residents in the Minsheng District of Hualian vigorously worked to save the structure, and with the assistance of Hualian County Cultural Affairs Bureau, finally succeeded in getting it approved as a building of special architectural and historic interest. Minsheng Community Development Association (民生社區發展協會) along with public figures in the area coordinated and participated in numerous volunteer activities to introduce tourists to the beauty of the area.


花蓮踹拍 將軍府的老屋重生






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